Salcombe Yawl Owners’ Association.

Specification for the Salcombe Yawl



The object of these rules is to produce a boat of traditional construction for racing and family sailing. It is intended that the given tolerances shall be used to build individual Yawls, which express the ideas of the owner, designer and builder.

  1. HULL
    • The hull shall be constructed of wood. Natural timber (i.e. not plywood) shall be used for the keel and hog, stem, transom, planking, timbers, centre plate case, deck beams, carlins, coamings, thwart(s) and side benches. Timbers and planking shall not be laminated.
    • Definitions
      • Base line. A line joining points 300mm below the keel/garboard strake seam at the transom and 325mm below the extension of the keel/garboard strake seam at the stem including the stem band if fitted.
      • The intersection between the upper surface of the deck and the outer face of the top strake projected as necessary.
    • The hull shall be of traditional clinker construction with the upper plank overlapping the outer surface of the lower. The thickness of the planking (which shall be uniform) shall not be less than 8mm and the planks shall be nailed at the lands. No plank may exceed 160mm in exposed external width. Where the planks are in contact at the lands only the plank nearer the keel may be bevelled, save that the planks may be bevelled or rebated together within 550mm of the forward face of the stem and after face of the transom. Over the remainder of the hull, each plank is to project its full thickness over the plank, which it overlaps, except that the exposed edge may be rounded off to a radius not exceeding the plank thickness. The angles at the lands on the outside of the hull shall not be filled to a radius greater than 6mm on boats prior to Y141 and 3mm on Y141 and later. Adhesives may only be applied to the lapping surfaces of the planks within 550mm of the forward face of the stem and after face of the transom.
    • Timbers shall be sided not less than 17mm and moulded not less than 14mm. Spacing shall not be less than 152mm or more than 190mm, measured at the hog.
    • A transom of thickness not less than 22mm shall close the after end of the hull. The planking shall not extend beyond the outer face of this transom. Apart from the optional drainage holes only one opening, the tiller port, is permitted in this transom. Its maximum dimensions are – width 200mm height 70mm and its lower edge shall not extend more than 150mm below the sheerline.
    • Length measurements of the hull shall be taken parallel to the baseline and heights perpendicular to the baseline. Beam measurements shall be taken at the sheerline. Measurement sections including the after face of the transom shall be perpendicular to the baseline. Those hull measurements, which fall between plank edges, shall be taken to a straight line, in the plane of the measurement section, bridging two adjacent edges.
    • Measurement sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 shall be 610mm, 1219mm, 1829mm, 2438mm, 3048mm, 3658mm and 4267mm respectively from the after face of the transom excluding rudder fittings.
    • Measurement at each section shall fall between the maximum and minimum values shown below :-

Transom                                  Int. Keel           ¬¾¾¾¾   Width from Centreline  ¾¾¾¾®                              Beam at

& Garboard   200mm   300mm    400mm    500mm   600mm   Sheerline                  Sheerline

Max Dist from Base Line mm          300          330          352          382          453          –               825          Max      1280

Min Dist from Base Line mm          300          300          304          325          380          –               755          Min       1168


Section 1                                  Int. Keel           ¬¾¾¾¾   Width from Centreline  ¾¾¾¾®                              Beam at

& Garboard   300mm   500mm    600mm    700mm   800mm   Sheerline                  Sheerline

Max Dist from Base Line mm          247          270          319          374          505          –               814          Max      1610

Min Dist from Base Line mm          221          226          270          314          386          –               754          Min       1460


Section 2                                  Int. Keel           ¬¾¾¾¾   Width from Centreline  ¾¾¾¾®                              Beam at

& Garboard   300mm   500mm    600mm    700mm   800mm   Sheerline                  Sheerline

Max Dist from Base Line mm          194          224          268          303          353          460          830          Max      1826

Min Dist from Base Line mm          157          183          216          245          286          357          769          Min       1700


Section 3                                  Int. Keel           ¬¾¾¾¾   Width from Centreline  ¾¾¾¾®                              Beam at

& Garboard   300mm   500mm    600mm    700mm   800mm   Sheerline                  Sheerline

Max Dist from Base Line mm          155          179          –               258          310          396          853          Max      1938

Min Dist from Base Line mm          106          146          –               211          247          301          798          Min       1820


Section 4                                  Int. Keel           ¬¾¾¾¾   Width from Centreline  ¾¾¾¾®                              Beam at

& Garboard   300mm   600mm    700mm    800mm   900mm   Sheerline                  Sheerline

Max Dist from Base Line mm          139          176          267          323          405          604          874          Max      1940

Min Dist from Base Line mm            79          125          203          249          313          421          823          Min       1826


Section 5                                  Int. Keel           ¬¾¾¾¾   Width from Centreline  ¾¾¾¾®                              Beam at

& Garboard   300mm   500mm    600mm    700mm   800mm   Sheerline                  Sheerline

Max Dist from Base Line mm          150          196          280          337          422          590          912          Max      1786

Min Dist from Base Line mm            86          147          199          242          309          456          846          Min       1676


Section 6                                  Int. Keel           ¬¾¾¾¾   Width from Centreline  ¾¾¾¾®                              Beam at

& Garboard   200mm   300mm    400mm    500mm   600mm   Sheerline                  Sheerline

Max Dist from Base Line mm          193          233          276          346          436          575          956          Max      1456

Min Dist from Base Line mm          131          178          209          252          321          458          894          Min       1342


Section 7                                  Int. Keel           ¬¾¾¾¾   Width from Centreline  ¾¾¾¾®                              Beam at

& Garboard   100mm   200mm    300mm    350mm   400mm   Sheerline                  Sheerline

Max Dist from Base Line mm          259          302          395          513          600          –               988          Max      926

Min Dist from Base Line mm          210          232          292          395          489          –               929          Min       800



  • A cord held tightly between the top of the outer face of the sheerstrake (i.e. just below the rubbing strake) and the garboard seam on the outside of the hull from 200mm aft of the stem to the transom shall touch every plank in any vertical section.
  • The length overall shall not exceed 4877mm including stem band (if fitted), but excluding rudder and bobstay/mooring fittings.
  • The sheerline shall be a fair continuous concave curve.
  • Boats shall be decked. The foredeck shall extend sufficiently far aft for the requirements of rule 2.16 to be satisfied. Length of afterdeck, including coaming, measured at the midline of the hull from the after face of the transom, shall not be less than 508mm. Minimum width of side decks, measured between the sheerline and inner face of the coaming, shall be 190mm.
  • The height of the coaming shall not be less than 51mm above the upper surface of the decks. The top edge of the coaming extending from the afterdeck to the midline of the foredeck is to form a continuous concave curve from fore to aft end when viewed in both profile and plan. The extreme forward point of this coaming shall not be less than 914mm from the forward face of the stem (including stem band, if fitted). Side seats for helmsman and crew extending to the top of the coaming may be incorporated within the structure of the hull but a continuous deck shall extend beneath them from stem to transom.
  • Seating to consist of at least one thwart not less than 216nn in its fore and aft dimension and side seats not less than 1524mm in length.
  • The height of the mast step above the inner surface of the garboard strake adjacent to the hog and measured at the forward face of the mast shall not exceed 124mm.
  • The length of the mast slot in the foredeck shall not exceed 127mm. The slot shall be closed at its after end by the deck or by a metal or wooden gate.
  • No openings in the deck outside the coaming are permitted, other than those required to accommodate standing and running rigging.
  • The gunwale/rubbing strake assembly shall not extend more than 50mm outside or 40mm below the sheerline.
  • The hull shall be drainable only through drainage holes and/or optional self-bailers. No more than two drainage holes of maximum diameter 20mm are permitted.
  • A hole with a maximum diameter of 6mm is permitted in the stem for the purpose of leading the roller reefing cord to the inside of the hull. The hole must not be more than 100mm from the deck level and within 75 mm of the centre line.
    • The weight of the hull in dry condition including floorboards, centre-plate, bowsprit, buoyancy and fastenings, fixed fittings rigidly secured to the hull and correctors, but stripped of sails, spars (other than bowsprit and bobstay), rudder, tiller, running and standing rigging, shall not be less than 381kg.
    • Centre plate shall not weigh more than 101.6kg nor less than 63.5kg. The builder shall certify the weight of this centre plate.
    • External ballast keel shall not weigh more than 63.5kg nor less than 50.8kg. The builder shall certify the weight of this ballast keel before it is incorporated within the structure of the boat.
    • Corrector weights, if required, shall be located above the waterline and securely attached to the hull by screws, bolts or adhesive. The weight of the correctors shall be permanently marked and visible without removal from the hull structure, their total weight shall not exceed 25.4kg.
    • The centre plate shall be of one metal or alloy of specific gravity less than 9. It shall be raised or lowered only by rotation about a fixed bush, pin or bolt located within the profile of the centre plate case. When fully lowered, the maximum extension below the ballast keel shall not exceed 1219mm. When fully raised the centre-plate shall not extend below the keel or above the sheerline. The weight of the centreplate shall be permanently marked and visible without removal from the centreplate box..
    • The ballast keel shall be solid and of one metal or alloy. Width at its junction with the wood keel, minimum 102mm, maximum 152mm. The maximum depth of the ballast keel shall occur between 2100mm and 2700mm from the transom, the minimum depth measurement shall be 89mm below the garboard seam.
    • The rudderstock and tiller shall be made of wood. The material of the fittings and tiller extension is optional.
    • The rudder blade shall be solid and made of wood. It may be protected by a woven coating set in adhesive.
    • The thickness of the rudder blade shall not exceed 30mm
    • The centre axis of the gudgeon and pintle shall not be more than 30mm from the transom.
    • All boats when racing must carry a wooden paddle weighing not less than less than 0.5kgs.
  3. SPARS
    • Spars shall be made of wood and shall not be hollow. A sail track and optional halyard groove on the forward face is allowed.
    • Mainmast
      • Metal or fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) reinforcements are permitted at the hounds, spreader bracket(s), whisker pole attachment, gooseneck or for the purpose of repair. Each of these reinforcements shall not exceed 300mm in its maximum dimension and shall not be let into the mast.
      • Local reinforcements are permitted in way of the mainsail halyard sheave, the inboard end of the top batten pocket, the entry to the sail track, the mast partners and at the heel tenon.
      • A thin glass, nylon or polyester reinforced laminate not exceeding 300gm/m² may be applied to the forward face of the mast, the maximum dimension of this reinforcement shall not exceed 2150mm above the top edge of the lower black band.
      • Mast measurements shall be taken from the heel including the tenon.
      • Two bands of contrasting colour and not less than 12mm wide shall be painted on the mast as follows. The lower edge of the upper band shall not be more than 7386mm above the heel and the top edge of the lower band shall not be more than 6096mm below the lower edge of the upper band. The mainsail shall not extend above the lower edge of the upper band or below the top edge of the lower band while racing.
      • The mast shall not be permitted to rotate and the heel shall not be allowed to move while racing.
      • Minimum weight of 13.6kg shall include spar, shrouds, fixed fittings, halyards and protective finish.
      • The centre of gravity of the items comprising the Mainmast Weight shall not be less than 3300mm above the heel. The centre of gravity shall be determined with all fittings in their normal position and rigging stretched down the length of the spar as though the sails were hoisted with the halyard tails suspended from the mast at the heel. The measured centre of gravity location shall be permanently marked on the spar.
      • Point of attachment of jib halyard block, optional forestay and main shrouds shall not be above a point 5620mm above the heel.
    • Main Boom
      • Maximum width 51mm. Minimum depth 76mm, taper permitted for a maximum of 610mm from each end.
      • Permanently bent booms are prohibited.
      • A band of contrasting colour not less than 12mm wide, shall be painted on the boom, the inner edge being not more than 2743mm from a line extending downwards from the after side of the mast in way of the sail groove. When the boom is fitted to the gooseneck, the sail shall not extend beyond the inner edge of this coloured band while racing.
    • Mizzen-Mast and Boom
      • Maximum overall length of the mizzen-mast shall be 3500mm
      • The mizzen-mast shall be stepped on the afterdeck.

Shall be mounted above the foredeck. The projection from the forward face of the stem, including stem band – shall not exceed 737mm or be less than 610mm. The point of attachment of the tack of the jib shall be within 102mm of the outer end of the bowsprit. No metal fittings shall project beyond the outer end of the bowsprit.

  • Whisker Pole.
    • Overall length shall not exceed 1981mm.
    • When in use one end of the whisker pole must be attached to the main mast and shall not be capable of projecting more than 2011mm normal to the mast.
    • Standing Rigging.
      • One pair of shrouds and optional forestay, diamond stays and spreaders are permitted. Other supporting or controlling contrivances are prohibited above the deck.
      • Mizzen-mast. Four shrouds shall be fitted.
      • No adjustments to standing rigging shall be made whilst racing.
    • Running Rigging

Shall be optional

    • Trapeze and outriggers of all types are prohibited.
    • An anchor and warp must be carried while racing. Minimum weight of anchor 4.5kg, minimum length of warp 18m.
    • All other fittings shall be optional.

The protective coating of paint or varnish shall not incorporate man made fibres. Its thickness shall be in addition to the measurements and it shall be included in the weight.

  1. SAILS

9.1.1    Sails shall comply with the class rules in force at the time of original measurement.

  • Measurement shall be carried out in accordance with the current Equipment Rules of Sailing.
  • Sails shall carry the official certification mark near the tack point. The mark shall be signed and dated by the measurer. The certification mark shall be the individually numbered class stamp issued to each official measurer.
  • Substantially altered or repaired sails shall be re-measured and the measurer shall attach a new official certification mark showing the date.
  • Sail maker.

Sail maker is optional.

  • Headsail

9.3.1. Construction.

  • The construction of the sail shall be Soft sail, single ply sail.
  • The body of the sail shall consist of the same woven ply throughout. The ply fibres shall be of polyester.
  • The sail shall have no batten pockets.
  • The following are permitted. Stitching, glues, tapes, corner eyes, hanks, luff wire or rope, leech line, windows, tell tails, sail shape indicator stripes, sail maker labels.
  • The jib shall be sheeted by one clew cringle only.
  • No change of headsail is permitted during racing.

9.3.2. Dimensions.                                                                            Minimum               Maximum

  • Area (Luff * clew perpendicular)/2.        18m²
  • Top width.        30
  • Upper width 300mm from head point.        220
  • Foot irregularity. .                                                                              50
  • Primary Reinforcement.        300
  • Secondary Reinforcement from sail corner measuring points.        900
  • Secondary Reinforcement for flutter patches.        100
  • Secondary Reinforcement for chaffing patches.        900
  • Tabling width.        40
  • Seam width.                                                                                15
  • Window area.        35m²
  • Shortest distance from window to sail edge.        150

9.4.1 Identification. The class insignia shall be a ‘Y’, minimum height 300mm, minimum width 200mm and minimum thickness 40mm.

  • The construction of the sail shall be Soft sail, single ply sail.
  • The body of the sail shall consist of the same woven ply throughout. The ply fibres shall be of polyester.
  • The sail shall have 4 batten pockets in the leach.
  • The following are permitted. Stitching, glues, tapes, bolt ropes, corner eyes, headboard with fixings, Cunningham eye or pulley, batten pocket patches, batten pocket elastic, batten pocket end caps, leech line with cleat, windows, tell tails, sail shape indicator stripes, sail identification, sail maker labels, reefing eyes.
    •        Minimum    Maximum
  • Leech length.         6600
  • Quarter width.         2580
  • Half width.         2134
  • Three quarter width.         1400
  • Top width.         150
  • Upper width 700mm from head point.                     665
  • Foot Median.         6500
  • Head point to intersection of leech and top batten centreline. 1375            1425
  • Clew point to intersection of leech and lower batten centreline.1375   1425
  • Primary Reinforcement.         350
  • Secondary Reinforcement from sail corner Measuring Points.             1050
  • Secondary Reinforcement for flutter patches.                     120
  • Secondary Reinforcement for chaffing patches. 1050
  • Secondary Reinforcement for batten pocket patches.         175
  • Secondary Reinforcement for reef point.         1050
  • Tabling width.         40
  • Seam width.         20
  • Window area.         35m²
  • Shortest distance from window to sail edges.         150
  • Batten pocket width inside.         50
  • Batten pocket width outside.         80
    • Mizzen sail.

9.5.1 Construction.

  • The construction of the sail shall be Soft sail, single ply sail.
  • The body of the sail shall consist of the same woven ply throughout. The ply fibres shall be of polyester.
  • The sail shall have 3 batten pockets in the leach.
  • The following are permitted. Stitching, glues, tapes, bolt ropes, corner eyes, headboard with fixings, Cunningham eye or pulley, batten pocket patches, batten pocket elastic, batten pocket end caps, leech line with cleat, tell tails, sail shape indicator stripes, sail maker labels.

9.5.2 Dimensions.                                                                            Minimum      Maximum

  • Luff length        2948                3048
  • Foot length.        864                  914
  • Leach length.        3000                3100
  • Quarter width.        750                  910
  • Half width.        600                  750
  • Three quarter width.        370                  490
  • Top width.        100
  • Upper width 400mm from head point.        320
  • Primary Reinforcement.        250
  • Secondary Reinforcement from sail corner Measuring Points.        750
  • Secondary Reinforcement for flutter patches.        100
  • Secondary Reinforcement for chaffing patches.        750
  • Secondary Reinforcement for batten pocket patches. 175
  • Tabling width.        40
  • Seam width.        15
  • Batten pocket width inside.        30
  • Batten pocket width outside.        50
    • There shall not more than 4 battens in the mainsail. The material of the battens is optional. The maximum width of a batten shall be 51mm. The top batten shall have a maximum length of 1440mm and the other battens a maximum length of 1041mm.
    • No battens are permitted in the headsail.
    • At least 4 units giving a minimum lift of 362.8kg, the side buoyancy units must be secured below the side seats. Buoyancy units shall have a minimum of two retaining straps; each strap shall be securely attached to the hull in two places and all openings stoppered. If swamped the buoyancy units shall support the level. Inflatable buoyancy units shall be fully inflated.
    • All boats when racing must carry adequate personal buoyancy for all crewmembers.

Minimum of two


No boat shall be entitled to race as a Salcombe Yawl unless (i) it complies with this Specification; (ii) the owner holds a valid certificate issued by the Salcombe Yawl Owners’ Association and (iii) it has a valid weight record.

  • In the case of a new boat, application is to be made to the Secretary of the Association by the builder for a class number
  • A boat that has been measured and weighed by the official class measurer, and, complying with the class rules of the Salcombe Yawl Owners’ Association in force at the time of measurement has been issued with a certificate, remains a Salcombe Yawl irrespective of any rule changes unless illegally modified.
  • A hull that has been substantially rebuilt shall be submitted for re-measurement under the rules, which obtained when she was first measured.

13.3.1  If a Yawl is to be considered for re-measurement under 13.3 the Yawl committee shall be consulted prior to any work being undertaken. In all these cases the Yawl shall be considered to have been altered unless the owner or builder is able to establish that the Yawl has not been altered in the course of the work undertaken.

  • The measurement certificate is invalidated by change of ownership. Application with the appropriate fee must be made to the Class Secretary for a replacement certificate.

13.4.A A weight record shall be made in signed writing by the official class measurer or, when so authorised by him in writing, by his deputy, when one of them weighs the boat and it complies with rule 3.

13.4.B A weight record shall include the following information.

  1. The date of the weighing which it records.
  2. The weight of the hull in accordance with Rule 3.1.
  3. The certified weight of the centreplate.
  4. Whether the boat as weighed has any correctors in accordance with Rule 3.4, and if so the weight of those correctors.

13.4.C A weight record shall be valid from the time of the weighing which it records until the first to happen of the following events.

  1. The expiration of 5 years from the date of the weighing which it records.
  2. Any change to the weight of the centreplate (except any change caused by painting or re-painting)
  3. Any change to the correctors (if any)
  4. Any change to the hull (whether by repair, maintenance or otherwise) which reduces the hull weight.
  5. Any change of ownership.

13.4.D The person making the weight record shall (i) send the original to the class secretary and (ii) retain a copy.  The class secretary shall cause the information contained in the weight records received by her to be made public in such way as the Committee may from time to time direct.

  • Scrutinizing of individual yawls to ensure that they are in accordance with the class rules and specification can be arranged by the Committee at any reasonable predetermined time. The Committee will endeavour to arrange for random scrutinizing of individual yawls at key racing events.
  • The Committee reserves the right to suspend the certificate of any boat which, following scrutinizing by the committee or a protest upheld from a third party that is found to be in breach of the class rules and specification. Refusal to undergo scrutinizing without reasonable explanation will also result in the suspension of the certificate.

Shall be permanently marked in a visible position on the thwart or centre plate case in figures not less than 25mm high.

  1. NAMES

Duplication of name is not permitted in this class. Owners are advised to submit three names to the Class Secretary when applying for a class number. The name accepted shall be notified to the Owner.

  1. Prohibitions
    • Electronic aids, double luffed mainsails, mainsails passing round the mast and attached back on themselves, inside ballast, outside channels, outriggers, bilge-boards, double rudders, winged rudders and similar contrivances, the use of any apparatus or contrivance outboard or extending outboard and attached to the hull spars or rigging or to the person of the helmsman or crew the purpose or effect of which is or may be to assist in supporting a number of the crew outboard or partially outboard.
    • Electronic aids are prohibited except that a Yawl may use an electronic digital compass with chronograph (timer and/or clock). The compass must be entirely self-contained with either an internal battery and/or solar power. The compass shall have no external connections. This includes power supply and data inputs, such as wind information, boat speed or navigational features. It shall not have the ability to compute correlations between time, compass and VMG.
    • There shall be no projections beyond the skin other than:

Gunwales and/or rubbing strakes.

Shroud plates and sheet fairleads fitted to gunwales and/or rubbing strakes so that no part of any such fitting extends beyond the extreme edge of the gunwale and/or rubbing strakes

Shroud plates fitted to the outside of the planking.

Bilge keels, stem and keel bands, rudder fittings.

Suction bailers and drain plugs.


Ó Salcombe Yawl Owners’ Association.                                  Effective Jan 1st 2017, Issue 17